The 2nd DGC installed in Dunedin, a Disc Golf Dunedin project
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Disc Golf Dunedin
Disc Golf Dunedin
Martin Galley/Vortica Disc Golf
Community Course with length and difficulty
18x RPM Helix permanent baskets
18x paved or grass teepads
Dalziel Road, Dunedin​
​1,470 metres
4.3 out of 5

Dunedin has a tight-knit and highly friendly disc golf club, with a lot of active and hard-working members, with a common goal: to promote disc golf in Dunedin and Otago.
Dunedin is unusual in New Zealand, in that almost every reserve and park happens to occupy land which is extremely poor for disc golfing, with steep slopes, thick bush, little grass, and almost everything a DGC doesn’t want. :P
The club therefore, needs to take advantage of every flatish area possible – and Brockville Park is one of the few. Designed by the club, and refined again and again before the baskets and teepads were installed.
After this, the club got in touch with Vortica, and requested a full set of professionally made signs for the DGC. Martin spent some time scoping the course, so that elevations could be included on each tee sign.
The signs were installed in 2023, by Vortica.