What Dynamic Discs say: This brand-new disc pays homage to our original Judge putter while embracing the game-changing features of our Classic Supreme plastic—a plastic line engineered to give today's players the superior grip and durability they expect from a quality disc. Grab a Classic Supreme Judge today and let its sturdy feel and great grip give you a competitive advantage off the tee or inside the circle.
Maximum weight: 176.0 gram
Height: 2.2 cm
Rim depth: 1.4 cm
Inside rim diameter: 19 cm
Rim thickness: 1.1 cm
Rim depth/Diameter ratio: 6.6 %
Rim configuration ratio: 58.25
Flexibility rating: 10.45kg
Dynamic Discs Judge (Classic Supreme) First Run
Why was the Judge named the 2013 Disc of the Year in the Player's Choice Awards? It is incredibly predictable in flying and hitting the chains. It is a fantastic throwing putter that will fly straight and glide for amazing distances. Come see why this disc has become so popular and judged other, more well-known discs, to be insufficient.
In Classic Supreme plastic the Judge feels better than it ever has before - and that is saying something! Incredibly tacky, and quite stiff, the Supreme Judge might well turn out to be your next putting putter - especially if you are already a convert!
Flight Rating: 2 4 0 1
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