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The Trilogy Challenge – Wot up wid it?

Updated: Jun 24, 2020

For the second year in a row, Vortica hosted the Trilogy Challenge in Christchurch, and for the first time, a tournament at Queenspark, in Parklands. And a fun time was had by all.

I really like the idea of the Trilogy Challenge: Get 3 discs, a T-shirt, a mini disc and an event for just $75? That’s a great bargain, and a social day out, to boot! What’s not to like?

I certainly can’t say no – not so much because I need discs (I really don’t!) – but for the social aspect of meeting new people, and old friends, and promoting the sport and competition in general.

Pete McKay from Queenstown going for CTTP with the mini
Pete McKay from Queenstown going for CTTP with the mini

The weather

A lovely Saturday dawned in Christchurch, which shouldn’t surprise anyone who knows anything about Christchurch weather. A sunny day with cool temperatures and an Easterly developing in the afternoon ensured that it was warm in the sun, and cool, then cold, in the shade.

The Challenge

Is to start the day with three entirely new discs; putter, midrange, and driver – and to finish the day with a decent score, maybe a prize and with some pride intact.

Because unless you are an experienced disc golfer, it can be a tricky task to throw a disc a few times and understand what it will do for you in different conditions.

In any case, part of the attraction of the event is the 3 discs, the mini and a t-shirt all being included for $75, which is very good value, because this year, the midrange and driver were in premium plastic, and the putter and mini were both Burst plastic.

Michelle Nicholls from Timaru with a nice follow through on hole 1
Michelle Nicholls from Timaru with a nice follow through on hole 1

The rounds

Because these are not PDGA sanctioned events, they are far more relaxed, and the idea of them is to ease people into the idea of competition without being harsh or punitive, on what is supposed to be a fun day.

So – no penalties for playing holes incorrectly, or in the wrong order, or for bad addition, or many other infractions found in the more formal PDGA, or National Tour events.

Co-sponsor Dave Rose of Gecko Disc Sports and myself set out early in the morning to establish the 9 additional holes we wanted for the course, and after stashing two more in the links-area we set out 7 more in the open playing fields – where the wind would become a major factor later in the day.

The TC Discs

The discs are the Westside Maiden, the Dynamic Discs Patrol and the Latitude 64 Musket for 2018.

Trilogy Players Pack

In my view......

The Maiden Putter

Is a low-profile, small-beaded, stable putter able to handle a surprising amount of power from the teepad, and face down quite a bit of a headwind with relative impunity for well-thrown shots. Compared to the understable Deputy last year, this is a great improvement, and I could see many players adding this to their bag, if not as a putting putter, then as a throwing putter.

The Patrol Midrange

A much more understable offering. With a flight and glide like a lightly-used Gold Line Fuse, but a fraction faster through the air due to its more shallow profile.

A great straight disc downwind, and a far reaching turnover, or anhyzer disc in calm air, it’s easy to see why the more skilled players at the Challenge were avoiding it, and using the putter mostly. But for newer players and those with low armspeed, the Patrol offers long gentle flights, with a gentle fade to finish.

The Musket Driver

Is an almost entirely generic speed-10, slightly understable driver with good glide. It is well-made, but has nothing to distinguish it from many other discs in the same space.

Without enough stability to face any kind of headwind at speed, it was being sent out on very steep hyzer lines by hopeful players out on the windy open section of the course – with some chaotic outcomes resulting.

All birdy hole chain ringing
All birdy hole chain ringing

However, for the many non-experts in the field, this disc was holding hyzer lines, and providing good penetration into the headwind – something the Patrol just couldn’t do, and the Maiden struggled a bit with.

Playing with the Discs

Not being competitive in 2018, and in the tail end of my tennis elbow recovery after 6 months, I threw the discs a combined total of once each before I joined Robyn Agnew to defend our Mixed Doubles Trilogy Challenge title from 2017. And we started out hot, taking three birds on the trot.

But then things settled down a bit, and Robyn saved our bacon a few times, by making long putts for us, and we walked out with a 9-under which was sufficient to keep the mixed crown for another year.

The singles was a different story with my only highlight being a layup that turned into an Ace on hole 17.

Hunter Harrill from Christchurch giving the Patrol a fly
Hunter Harrill from Christchurch giving the Patrol a fly

Congrats to all who made it along and especially to the winners. Many thanks also go out to our sponsors this year:


Gecko Disc Sports

BP Connect QEII

Here's looking forward to next year which will see a Trilogy Challenge again in Christchurch and another at Lismore Park in Wanaka.

Full results below:



3rd Chris and Jenna 'Team Not Last' 54

2nd Pavel & Sabina 'Team Made in Czech' 51

1st Chris & Robyn 'Team Vortica' 45


3rd Grant and Isaac 'Team Cozz-2' 53

2nd Kieran and Jasper 'Team Parklands Lads' 51

1st Bryn & Scottie 'Team Hyzer City' 49


3rd Max and Steve 'Team Coldfront' 43

2nd Ales and Tomas 'Team Czech Mate' 41

1st Jimmy and Andy 'Team Queenspark Rangers' 41

(winners after the 3rd playoff hole).



3rd Noah Rose Christchurch 75

2nd Isaac Cosslett Christchurch 72

1st Josh Mason Christchurch 64

Women's Novice

2nd Michelle Nicholls Timaru 75

1st Jenna Guest Christchurch 65

Men's Novice

3rd Jason Ormandy Chch 59

2nd Jasper Van Der Meer Chch 58

1st Bryn Hill Chch 56

Women's Advanced

3rd Sabina Krieglerova Czech Republic 67

2nd Jess Blagen Chch 65

1st Robyn Agnew Wanaka 63

Men's Advanced

3rd Pete McKay Queenstown 49

2nd Tomas Dolezel Czech Republic 48

1st Andy Davy Wellington 47

Sabina Krieglerova representing the Czech Republic going for the mini CTTP
Sabina Krieglerova representing the Czech Republic going for the mini CTTP

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