Introducing Loop Discs of Australia, and their first offering, the Wonder!
Updated: Dec 13, 2024
It’s not often a new manufacturer appears south of the equator, and so when I was contacted by David at Loop discs, asking if he could send me a disc for testing and retail sale, how could I possibly refuse?

“Wonder” is short for “One Disc Wonder”, and Loop's goal was to make a disc that would satisfy all elements of the game and allow newer players to learn with just one disc. Then later, Loop want the Wonder to find a special spot in the full arsenal experienced players carry.
First Impressions
Wonder is a classic midrange disc in that it has a familiar shape, (derived from the venerable Innova Roc; PDGA approved in 1987) which compares very favourably to the outstandingly good Latitude 64 Fuse, with which it shares the same flight rating: 5 6 -1 1
It's made from a premium TPU which is quite soft. It’s extremely durable too: I threw it repeatedly at full power into a painted concrete block wall. This resulted in… absolutely no damage or change to the flight shape – so Loop have exceeded expectations here.
Loop have taken the time to hand-polish the Wonder mould, and this creates a very smooth flightplate with no visible machining marks. It makes for a pleasing grip level, matching the highest quality discs we sell at Vortica.The underside of the Wonder has a series of concentric waves which are designed to give fan-grippers more contact area to engage with, for a surer grip. The bottom rim is exceptionally rounded, to make releases consistent, and to reduce the tendency of anhyzers to cut roll when they touch down. Also like the Fuse – and that’s no bad thing.
In Flight Wonder flies flat and straight, with fantastic glide – provided the player can keep the nose down, and the hyzer angle low. It requires a lot of power (or a headwind) to make the Wonder turn beyond flat and start moving right. Both hyzers and anhyzers tend to hold their angle all the way to the ground. Wonder’s gentle fade is directed forwards rather than sideways, for extra distance and more accuracy. The soft nature of the TPU means that when it hits a tree trunk at the side of the fairway, it buckles, taking out all the spin, and most of the energy of the disc, so it lands close to the fairway instead of spearing off into tiger country with all its initial velocity retained. And so, this disc is ideal for heavily wooded courses, with narrow fairways, such as Bottle Lake, in Otauahi. PDGA Approval
Shape and appearance Wonder has a big bead which engages with your index knuckle with great tenacity, giving extra confidence in your grip. This allows a player to apply full power rips without fear of grip-locking. The swirls produced by LOOP are noteworthy, with beautiful colours. Verdict This is an impressive first disc from owners David and Bob, and we recommend you check out a Wonder in-store, and grab one for yourself, or as a stocking-stuffer for a disc golfer in your life. Kia tika te rere – Enjoy the Flight!