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Knottingley Park DGC in Waimate opens to the public

He rongo pai, e hoa ma - Good news, everyone! Vortica’s 2000-metre 18-basket Knottingley Park Disc Golf Course project in Waimate is now open for play.

Knottingley Park, Waimate
Knottingley Park on the outskirts of Waimate. Trees from 1879. Disc Golf from 2022.
Knottingley Park DGC. Click to zoom.

Ordinarily, we try to keep our projects quiet until we have something concrete to announce. However, our initial design for this magnificent location was published publicly well ahead of our normal timeframe, several months ago.

Vortica wishes to thank Waimate2gether and project manager Peter Vendetti on their foresight and vision for Waimate.

Centrally located, Waimate is a strongly growing rural community which has more than doubled in size in the last 5 years. At Vortica we are extremely impressed by the amount and quality of development in the area, and we greatly enjoyed our four-day stay when we walked almost 150km completing our design work.

Knottingley Park is a truly stunning local community asset, with the first 8,400 trees planted in 1879, and which features many Giant Sequoias, some almost 5 metres across at the base. Large, tall, and wide trees of many types are the main obstacles, some of which have extensive foliage reaching all the way to the ground. The design we have created for Knottingley Park has elements of both Community Courses as well as Destination Courses, as we define them elsewhere on the website. It is intended to have wide appeal for intermediate to expert players who will have different challenges completing the course. Knottingley Park DGC install gallery

We are delighted to announce our proposed inclusion of baskets 1, 2, and 3 in the formal part of the gardens was approved, and this means a lovely introduction to the course, playing on manicured lawns before heading into the 15 baskets laid out in the slightly wilder environs of the park proper. We are confident this design will be a major drawcard for keen and ambitious players of the game, who will make special trips to play there, and special efforts to attend events held there. It is sure to become yet another must-play location along the Vortica Disc Golf Highway! Please note: the main course sign, and individual teebox signs will be installed in January 2023. Kia pupuhi te hau hei taituarā mōu – May the wind be with you.

Chris Davies & Martin Galley



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